Provide physical comfort - massage or soothing touch, help with breathing and relaxation
techniques, suggest positions or techniques for comfort and progress
Provide emotional comfort - reassurance of normality and coping ability, encouragement,
validation of feelings
Inform clients - answer questions with accurate information, seek out information when
they don't know the answers
Encourage self-determination - support their clients' goals, make sure their clients
understand their choices, translate jargon when necessary
do not:
Practice medicine - do exams or procedures, make diagnoses or prescribe treatments, give
second opinions, assist physician or midwife with medical care
Make decisions for clients - advise or persuade clients to follow a particular course,
talk about clients outside their presence, withhold approval for using or avoiding pain
medications, speak on behalf of their clients to the medical staff
Leading Lady Labor Support honors MOM TO BEas the Leading Lady Leading Lady Labor Support honors the sanctity of the birthing couple. The doula's role can enhance the experience for both the mother and her partner. The doula's role allows the father to find his invaluable position in supporting his partner and to fully participate in the birth of his child as well. The doula allows Dad to relax and just be there for his laboring partner without the stress of having to remember all the prenatal education. The doula will be there regardless of hospital shift changes and is working solely for the birthing couple. The doula is there to help you have the birth you want to remember!
Leading Lady Labor Support Services
Support Prenatally Includes visits to discuss your needs and desires for birthing: -Suggestions on how to deal with the discomforts of pregnancy -Assistance in preparing a "birth plan" -A list of suggested reading material -Telephone support whenever needed Support During Labor Includes: -Continuous physical, emotional, and informational support during labor and birth -Physical comfort measures such as massage, application of heat or cold packs -Guidance in pain coping practices -Suggestions of different positions to help ease and progress the birthing process -Information on all the available labor management medication Support Postpartum Includes a visit to talk about the birth and any needed: -Assistance with breastfeeding -Advice on newborn care-Information on postpartum health -A written record of the birth
The Purpose and Value of Labor Support A New Approach to Childbirth Education |